activations.h [code] | File for all kinds of different neuron activation functions |
auexcept.h [code] | Implements exception class for aureservoir library |
aureservoir.h [code] | This file should be included from an application |
delaysum.h [code] | Utilities for delay and sum readout |
delaysum.hpp [code] | Utilities for delay and sum readout |
denormal.h [code] | Functions for denormal handling |
doxygen.h [code] | Doxygen documentation main page |
esn.h [code] | Implements the base class of an echo state network |
esn.hpp [code] | Implements the base class of an echo state network |
filter.h [code] | Implementation of some general filters used in the reservoir |
filter.hpp [code] | |
init.h [code] | Initialization algorithms for Echo State Networks |
init.hpp [code] | Initialization algorithms for Echo State Networks |
simulate.h [code] | Simulation algorithms for Echo State Networks |
simulate.hpp [code] | Simulation algorithms for Echo State Networks |
train.h [code] | Training algorithms for Echo State Networks |
train.hpp [code] | Training algorithms for Echo State Networks |
utilities.h [code] | Some global defines/includes and utility functions |